Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Fuzzy Balls or My Noodle?

I laid in the second layer of Carbon Fiber. I custom cut a piece for a tailored fit and then though Hmmmm... what if I put tennis balls in plastic bags and clamped them into the guitar to ensure that no air gaps would appear. I made that thought a reality and my balls worked! I think a pool noodle would be bit better. I'll try my noodle on the other side tomorrow - wrapped in cellophane. My noodle and balls - Who'd thunk it?
Seriously though I think a pool noodle and peel ply would be a terrific way of doing this step. To get nice even pressure everywhere and pull the excess epoxy away would probable save a ton of time, eliminating a lot of the fairing out that I have to do.
Boutique guitars HAVE TO look finished on the inside just as much as the outside friends. HAVE TO!

1 comment:

  1. Waddya think about using a bicycle inner tube - probably mountain bike fatness to give you even pressure all around the inside. You may need an inner form to push from as the air pressure increases in the tube. Yank the tube out of yer moped and see what happens.. :)

